A hobby that became a passion

Let us introduce ourselves first.
I am Evelien, a Belgian illustrator with a passion for animals and nature.
My life partner is Joeri, an Aalstenaar that loves to laugh and make friends.

Art has always been a big part of my life, I have been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil. That love for everything beautiful and fun grew into the whimsical illustrations that you know today. You could say that it all started with my first ever drawing as a child.

In 2021 the brand Rustic Foxxy was created as an outlet and as therapy for my mental health. That soon grew into the growing brand that you know today.
Joeri has always supported me in my artistic endeavors and became a crucial part of Rustic Foxxy. Without him this all wouldn't be possible.

I hope to make you all laugh with my illustrations. And whenever you see us at an event, don't hesitate to come say hi.

Have a wonderful day.

Any questions?